From the MCQs oriented exams point of view, the anatomical levels and bony landmarks are very important. In each and every exam, whether it is USLME, PLAB, AMC or FCPS you will get two or three questions related to anatomical levels. So in this post, we present a list of important structures and their anatomical level and plane. Read it and memorize it. Moreover, if you have any suggestion then you may contact us easily by pressing the contact button on your right lower corner. Don't forward to share this post and also follow us on facebook/twitter or via email to get more updates. See also: Drug of choice in various infections Structure Level Oropharynx and Soft Palate with Open Mouth C2 Vertebra Level of Hyoid bone C3 Vertebra Level of Thyroid cartilage C4 & C5 Vertebrae Level Bifurcation of Common Carotid Artery C3 & C4 Vertebrae junction (disc) Level of Cricoid Cartilage C6 Vertebra ...
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