A sixty-eight-year-old female presents in the outpatient department of your hospital with complaints of severe lower backache. Then the pain started when she tried to pick a heavy rock. The pain exaggerates with activity and relieves when the patient lays down. Pain increases in severity over time. There was no complain of numbness or tingling of legs and thighs. Her menses stopped at the age of 46 years and she didn’t receive any hormone replacement therapy.
On examination the motor and sensory functions of lower limbs were normal. There was no weakness or sensory loss. The height of the women was 4 ft 10 inches. Although, her 2 and half year old medical records show 5 ft 1-inch height. Her weight was forty-six kilograms.
Spine examination revealed tenderness at L2 and L3 level. Straight leg raises sign was negative. The patient walks slowly and her activity is limited due to pain.
Kindly answer the following questions.
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On examination the motor and sensory functions of lower limbs were normal. There was no weakness or sensory loss. The height of the women was 4 ft 10 inches. Although, her 2 and half year old medical records show 5 ft 1-inch height. Her weight was forty-six kilograms.
Spine examination revealed tenderness at L2 and L3 level. Straight leg raises sign was negative. The patient walks slowly and her activity is limited due to pain.
Kindly answer the following questions.
Review quiz at the end to see which answers are correct. Click on “Feedback” button to find out the reasons of corrects answers.
Note: Install latest flash player if you don’t have already done that.
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