Avoid Wheat if you have Barrett Esophagus. In Barrett’s oesophagus , the cell lining of the lower end of oesophagus changes to the abnormal form. And it is considered a potential risk factor of oesophagal cancer. The exact cause of this condition is unknown but Gastroesophageal reflux disease also known as GERD is considered as the main culprit in the pathology of Barrett's oesophagus. Celiac disease is a disease that results from taking wheat and other similar products that contain a chemical substance known as gluten. Those individuals who are allergic to this gluten develop celiac disease. Therefore then should avoid wheat and other gluten-containing products such as barley and rye. Gastroesophageal reflux disease which is the main cause of getting Barrett oesophagus may result from insufficiency of the lower oesophagal sphincter, peptic ulcer disease, H-pylori induced peptic ulcer, and indigestion etc. The authors of a study published in a medical journal called Gastroente...
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