diabetes is a major problem in developed as well as under-developed countries. Its incidence is increasing day by day. Type 2 diabetes results from the development of resistance against insulin and there is a clear difference between type 2 and type 1 diabetes (click here) . Type 2 What is meant by insulin resistance? Insulin is released by the pancreas after the ingestion of a meal. Food intake stimulates the release of insulin. After taking meal concentration of glucose in blood increases. Increased concentration of glucose in the blood stimulates insulin release. Insulin decreases the concentration of glucose in blood by transporting it inside the cells thereby increasing its utilization and thus prevents the body from the adverse effects of high blood glucose level (hyperglycemia). Insulin resistance means, over time the amount of insulin that is released by the pancreas of the diabetic patient fail to shift sufficient amount of glucose into the cells. Thus his body tries to ...
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