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Medical Questions
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that proper physical examination and history is
 necessary for diagnosis of a disease.  Information 
provided on the site is meant to complement and not 
replace any advice or information from a health
 professional. We will try to guide you about 
the next immediate steps that you can take. 
But you shouldn't act blindly, go to your doctor
 and ask him. Our information may help you to
 talk with your doctor in more detail. For 
example, the questions you must ask from your 
doctor about you condition. We are not responsible
 for any mishap which can be linked directly or 
indirectly to our content.
Medicotips team
Members of Medicotips Team
Some Answers;
Q: Pain on Right Side of Head. What to Do?
asked by A Kumar
Q: Missed Birth Control Pill and Bleeding Why?
asked by: a visitor
Q: What is Poly cystic Kidney Disease? 
asked by: Abhi Arzoo
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You may ask a question to get information about a disease or a health problem. Your question will be answered as soon as possible. You may like us on facebook or subscribe by email to remain in touch with us in future. Remember this is not a forum of health advice. You may ask a question to get general information about a medical condition or to under a difficult medical terminology in simple words. 
( we will not prescribe you any medicine online so kindly don't ask for prescriptions )

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Free Doctor Advice Online-Ask Medical Question and Get Answer

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Disclaimer and terms; You must keep in mind that proper physical examination and history is necessary for diagnosis of a disease.  Information provided on the site is meant to complement and not replace any advice or information from a health professional. We will try to guide you about the next immediate steps that you can take. But you shouldn't act blindly, go to your doctor and ask him. Our information may help you to talk with your doctor in more detail. For example, the questions you must ask from your doctor. We are not responsible for any mishap which can be related directly or indirectly to our content.
Medicotips team
Members of Medicotips Team

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