Retinal Detachment, Separation Of Retina, Classification, Symptoms, Signs, Complications and Treatment Of Retinal Detachment.
Retinal Detachment:
Retinal detachment is a pathological condition of the retina where there is a separation of the two layers of the retina, the retina proper and the pigmentary epithelium by sub-retinal fluid.
- Classification
- 1. Primary or simple detachment, also known as Rhegmatogenous detachment
- 2. Secondary detachment, also known as non-rhegmatogenous detachment.
- Symptoms
- Signs and Diagnosis
- Complications and Treatment of Retinal Detachment.
Retinal detachment is an ophthalmological emergency and the patient who is suspected to have a retinal detachment should be referred to an ophthalmologist urgently.
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