Following Signs, you may observe in pregnancy.
1. Pigmentation Of Skin: Vulva become darker in color and a dark line extends from pubis to umbilicus.
2. Urinary Frequency: Urinary Frequency and urgency increase in the early weeks of pregnancy and in a few weeks before delivery.
3. Mood Changes: Even minor exertion can cause fatigue. Irritability Of temper.
4. Appetite Changes: Production of saliva increases. Food demand increases.
5. Morning Sickness: Nauseous Feeling at morning. Vomiting may also occur. Many women feel nausea only.
6. Vaginal Changes: Increase in venous blood flow and pressure of gravid uterus results in bluish discoloration of the vagina. The mucous membrane of the Vagina Gradually changes from pink to violet and finally blue. This is called Chadwick's Sign or Jackquemier's Sign.
7. Breast Changes: Pigmentation of nipple and appearance of Montgomery's tubercle occur by the end of the second month.
By third month clear transparent secretion can be squeezed out of the nipples on pressing the breasts. This fluid is called Colostrum. After delivery, it is replaced by milk.
After the six months. silvery and bluish lines appear on the breasts. (due to dilation of cutaneous vessels)
8. Quickening: After four or four and a half month mother senses the movements of the fetus.
9. Suppression of Menses: Menses stops during and a few months after pregnancy.
10. Abdominal Changes: Enlargement of Abdomen, the appearance of the dark line which extends from pubis to umbilicus and striae gravidarum are seen. (stretch marks of pregnancy)
11. Umbilical Changes: Umbilicus become flush with the abdominal skin surface by the seven months and by ninth month it becomes everted (protrude out)
12. Cervix Closure: The Cervix is blocked by a thick viscid mucus plug.
13. Uterine Murmur: With the help of stethoscope a soft blowing murmur can be heard on either side of the uterus just above the pubis from about the fourth month onwards.
14. Softening of Cervix OS: At About six month lower uterine segment becomes so soft and compressible that if one hand placed on the abdomen just above the symphysis pubis and two fingers of the other hand are introduced on the posterior fornix, they can be felt touching each other as if there is no uterus. This is also called Hegar's sign.
15. Uterine Contractions: These are felt by palpation per abdomen after the fourth month. This often called Braxton Hick Sign of Pregnancy.
16. Biological Test: Detection of pregnancy hormone metabolites in urine. Use of pregnancy strip is common.
17.Foetal Heart Sound. Between fourth and, fifth-month fetal heart sound can be felt and counted.
18. Radiograph of Fetus: X-Ray can reveal the presence of fetus but is dangerous and not performed for this purpose
19. Ultrasonography. Safe ultrasonic waves are used to visualize fetus and its heart activity.
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